Telecom industry services experience

We act in the best interest of our clients and serve them with integrity, competence, independence, objectivity, and professionalism at all times.

Our experience is diverse, covering all our main sectors of expertise and types of market players in the telecom industry.

Some of our major projects and areas of work include:

  • Broadband market analysis - We measured the economic benefits and risks assessment of broadband deployment and wholesale access opportunities on the Bulgarian telecom market. We reviewed and compared several case studies to determine the economic return of broadband deployment versus other options for economic expansion. WE developed strategic approach towards becoming an integrated Telco operator encompassing all ranges of electronic communication services.
  • Competitive analysis – We analyzed the structural determinants of the price of fixed, mobile an Internet services of the three major players on the Bulgarian telecom market and assessed market opportunities and strategic development options for one the three big players. WE reviewed options related to wholesale rates regulation and their impact on the market for a big market player.
  • Strategic market analysis – We provided strategic guidance on public procurement issues related to market entry in the public sector.
  • Regulatory support – We explored the regulatory background related to fixed and mobile termination rates regulation and its impact on the Bulgarian retail market.

We have several cases providing interconnect negotiation support and regulatory lobbying support and a sound experience in the following activities:

  • Analysis of the findings of various telecom markets reports and development of tailor made market strategies aimed at successful entry on the market;
  • Evaluation and monitoring of market trends in BWA, broadband and mobile telephony;
  • Evaluation of the EU telecom market reports vis a vis the strategic plans of the company as a telecom operator, comparison of market offers of competitors and business recommendations;
  • Assistance in building up, negotiation and preparation of interconnection agreements;
  • Evaluation of tender offers and documentation of a public procurement assignor and building up, development and monitoring of market strategy towards successful participation and chances of concluding beneficial for the telecom operators agreement;
  • Exploring various outcomes of a cost accounting model depending on the regulatory needs of the operator;
  • Consultation on the development of client segmentation, identifying different market segments for client positioning;
  • Consultation on development of different models of virtual network operators and their market positioning;
  • Preparation of documentation and negotiation of various telecom transactions including provision of various white label products, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, RAN sharing or spectrum sharing agreements, roaming discount agreements, interconnection agreements.

Contact us

2 Malyovitsa str., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

tel. +359 2 9456610

For correspondence:

POBox 982, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria