Services offered on the field of
hotel and restaurant business

Oliver focuses in specific areas in the hotel and restaurant business with the global idea for development and improvement of the quality of the services provided until reaching of internationally recognized professional levels

Oliver has a sound experience in the field of the hotels and restaurants business. As a major direction of the company’s performance is the provision of complex consulting services on the highest possible level encompassing all stages of the organization and functioning of hotels, restaurants, various types of entertainment and beverage places, together with the accompanying activities related to their operation.

The training of the personnel represents a main stream within the business activities of Oliver for many years and the company has a sound experience in it. The company organizes personnel training in a sequence of relatively independent and logical completed modules. This allows for the trainees to combine their professional education depending on their aims and needs with the orientation towards their future development, thus providing a guarantee for their specific professional realization.

While expanding the scope and quality of the provided activities and services, Oliver organizes trainings of the already operational at the specific hotel and restaurant personnel. The trainer adapts the training material depending on the specific needs and requirements of each of the specific trainee aiming at achieving the most complete professional awareness, knowledge and skills.

The company trainers build professional communication skills and culture in all communicational levels of the personnel, using various methodology tolls, overcoming of personal or public constraints within the everyday working process, higher effectiveness of their work, adequate behavior and assessment of specific situations, professional approach towards the specific position.

Marketing, advertising and consulting of the hotel and restaurant, as well as all types of the work with clients represent a very strong stream within the business activities of Oliver. The company elaborates a specific for each client-marketing plan, serving as a basis for the good performance, sales activities and revenue streams of the hotel and restaurant, as well as for any other business.

The company focuses in specific areas in the hotel and restaurant business with the global idea for development and improvement of the quality of the services provided until reaching of internationally recognized professional levels.

Oliver activities and work are performed with a very high personal responsibility and innovative ideas, aimed at achieving a maximum client satisfaction as well as meeting its own high criteria for professionalism and excellence.

Oliver works with a team of highly professional experts at national level in the field of hotel and restaurant business in order to achieve an ongoing high quality of its activities and services.